Posted by daeryl 7:53 AM, under |

I've entered the world of the Internet. Actually what is the internet? The Internet is an abbreviation of the Interconnection Network. In terms of origin of the internet he said significant relationship between computer networks (network). While the network itself is defined as a system of data communication between computers. Examples of computer networks that most often we find for example a LAN (Local Area Network) that connects computers located in an area or location such as offices, schools, companies, internet cafe, and others. Put simply be described that some computers are connected to each other to form a computer network (network), then a computer network (network) which join to form a set of network called the Internet. Thus, understanding the Internet in general (by language) is a collection of computer networks that connect and work as a system. The understanding of the Internet in particular (this is often used and what we mean in this discussion) is a computer network of the largest in the world for being able to connect all computers in the world. In summary, the Internet is a global computer network while the local computer network (eg LAN) is called Intranet. How can a computer to connect to the Internet? To get Internet access, a computer must use the services of internet service providers or Internet Service Provider (ISP). With this ISP business services, we can get the Internet (online) after connecting our computers to server computers. Relationship (connection) between the user computer (user) with the ISP company server computer is usually done through the telephone network (dial-up) by using modem equipment. Through the ISP's server computer that we can connect with the worldwide computer network (internet). Modem (Modulator-Demodulator) is an electronic device that can convert serial data held by the computer into the audio signal which is owned by a telephone cord and vice versa, from the audio signal into serial data. I often find the following terms on the Internet: HTTP, URL, WWW, HTML, Web Site, Home Page, and others. Would you please explain one by one on those terms! HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is one of the protocol language used to communicate between the server computer on the internet. Protocols other language in the internet for example: Telnet, News, Gropher, FTP. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a system of naming a web site address. Therefore, URLs are often called Internet Address (Internet address). Each language protocol (HTTP, Telnet, FTP, etc.) have a writing system different address. Example: WWW (World-Wide Web) or summarized the Web is part of the HTTP protocol of the most popular language in the Internet. This system was originally the home-built by CERN, a physics laboratory in Europe and just beginning to be held for the public in 1991. Now, the Web or the Internet has become a source of data and limited information that is not accessible to everyone. In the WWW all documents, menus, indexes, etc. appear to Internet users as objects in HTML format that can be viewed by using a Web Browser. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) A programming language used to write a document format that can be used in the Web. By using the HTML format of each document created can be read by all operating systems and types of computers in the world. In addition, the main strength of the HTML file is a hypertext link function (abbreviated: hyperlink). Hyperlink (Hypertext link) or commonly summarized the link is a specific part (can be text / text or image / picture) in an HTML document that refers / refer to any other documents or other parts of the same document. A text link is usually indicated by underlined text and is generally blue. But the main sign of a link (either text links or image links) are changing the mouse pointer into a "finger hand" when placed on a link. If a link is clicked then the browser will open a document / file pointed to by the link. Web Browser or summarized browser is a program or software designed to locate and display web documents in HTML format. With the browser, computer users can search and view the contents of a web document and move from one place (page) to another place on the web. Examples of browser programs such as Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, and others. Web Site or the Web site is any computer on the internet which acts as a web server that stores documents in HTML format. Web Page or a web page is an HTML file that is stored by the server or web site. Home Page is the "first page" of a web site that is the face or the initial view of an individual or institution that makes the web site. E-Mail (electronic mail) or electronic mail is a written message sent from a user's computer to another computer user. Electronic mail is stored beforehand in the server that provides email services. Chat is an internet facility which enables a number of users who join in it to talk directly (real time) through the typed text. Example of a famous chat program IRC and ICQ. Mailing List Mailing List is a collection or abbreviated list of a number of email addresses that are combined into a single email address that called the mailing address. Emails sent by a member of the mailing to the mailing address will be accepted by all members of the relevant mailing list. Download ie retrieve files from the internet (from the computer server to the computer user). Files that are downloaded can be a program file (software), documents, images, audio, video, and others. Upload (as opposed to downloading) is sending files to the Internet (from the computer user to a computer server).


(1) Tips & Tricks Streamlining Browsing
Avoid Busy Hours. If possible, do not surf at rush hour (usually office hours are 9:00 to 17:00 o'clock) for Bowser you do not 'stuck' traffic in cyberspace because of the hours that most people access the Internet. Add Cache Browser. When you visit a site, IE put the HTML code and graphics from the site in the cache. Cache help IE work faster when you click the Back button. In order for a quick surf, you need to allocate an adequate amount for the cache. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options, then the General tab. In the Temporary Internet Files, click Settings. Under the Amount of Disk Space to Use, geret button to the right. Allocate approximately 5% of the space (space) on your hard disk to the cache. Non-Active right Animation and Multimedia. Animation might make surfing fun, but aggravate the browser working. To turn off animation, click on Tools> Internet Options> Advanced tab. Scroll down the screen (scroll down) so until at the Multimedia section, uncheck the Play Animations option by clicking on the box, then click OK. Now the browser will only take the first frame of each animated GIF, so the image that appears not to move. If you really want to reduce the element of jam maker of video and audio bandwidth; from the same section, clear the check mark in the box in front of the Play Sounds, Play Videos, and Show Pictures. Thus every page web site that displayed the browser completely clean from elements other than text. Stop the process of downloading web pages the old. If the browser is too old to access a Web page and has not been completed as well, click the Stop button. You can read some of the contents page that was displayed, when in accordance with what you are looking for, should be continued. Click the Refresh button for IE to repeat the download process. Sometimes the route used by the browser freezes and by repeating the download (refresh), the browser can find a new path 'plong' on the Internet. Open a New Window. As long as you wait for the download, you may continue browsing the other activities by opening a new browser window. How, press Ctrl + N or choose File menu> New> Window. Use the right mouse button click. By pressing the right mouse button click on the contents of the browser window will display the menu window whose contents depend on the position pointer. Use right-click is very much useful and helpful your surfing activity. You can open a link in a new window (Open in New Window), copy a link (Copy Shortcut), save the page pointed to by a link (Save Target As), save the picture (image) or a background that looks (Save Picture As) , print a web page (Print), and others. Save your favorite sites. If you find an interesting site and you plan to visit it again some time, you should include it in your favorite list. How, in a state of a web page that opens, click the Favorites menu and then Add to Favorites will display a pop-up window. You may change your name at will or directly press Enter (or click OK). And the name of the web page that is stored in the Favorites menu. Anytime you want to visit that site, you no longer need to write the address, just click the Favorites menu and select the name of the site.

(2) Tips & Tricks Use the Download Manager

Download Manager is all software that is made specifically to help Internet users in the download with the efficient and effective. As we all know that downloading means to retrieve files from the internet to be stored into the computer's hard disk. The download usually takes some time depending on the size of files to be retrieved as well as internet connection speed. Internet connection speed is affected by the configuration (hardware and software) the user's computer and network conditions and server where the file is stored. To simplify and expedite the process of downloading software that's needed is called a download manager. If we do not use a download manager, but only rely on the facilities Save File from Internet Explorer for example, will face one of two possibilities (or both). First, the download process takes a relatively long time. Second, the download was suddenly interrupted in the middle of the road because of power outages or other causes. As a result, we have to repeat the download process again from scratch. By using a download manager, donwload process can be accelerated and the download can be resumed from the broken part without having to repeat from the beginning. Thus the importance of using a download manager program. One of the software download manager is good and reliable is Star Downloader. Among the many download manager, Star Downloader is a free program (freeware) but has a performance worthy of the name 'star'. This program can be downloaded from or you can earn in a collection of CD Plus freeware that you can us a message.- The Star Downloader Main Window ProgramStar Downloader program's main window consists of two columns of the window, the left is a small column and the right is a large column. Right pane displays a list of tables in the form of files that were included in the download process. This list consists of several columns such as column is: File Name is the name of the downloaded file status is state of the file, if already completed downloaded (done), suspended (paused), scheduled (scheduled), or wait in line (queue) for download (queued .) For files that are in the process of downloading, its status is displayed as a line box that shows the course of the download process. Completed large lists of data bytes that have been successfully downloaded. The total includes the actual number of files to be downloaded. Time Left shows the predicted time (hours: minutes: seconds) remaining to complete the download process. kB / s (kilobytes per second) indicates the approximate size of the download speed in kilobytes per second. Save Path to include the place (folder / directory) where the downloaded file will be saved in your hard disk.- Some menus and buttons found on the Star Downloader:Add to display the window where to enter the URL of the file to be downloaded. Delete to delete the highlighted item from the list of files to be downloaded. Pause to temporarily disable the download of the items highlighted file. Resume to continue the process of downloading files from the highlighted item. Scheduler to schedule the download of the items highlighted file. Hang Up to disconnect the Internet connection. Options to display the options window where we set all the settings or configuration program.- Set the Setting Star DownloaderIn the minimized state, the program Star Downloader settled in the system tray that is marked with a yellow star icon in the lower right corner of the desktop. When the left-click, the program Star Downloader will appear on the screen. To adjust the settings done Star Downloader premises to click Options on the toolbar Star Downloader is currently open. Or in a minimized state, the Options window can be opened by right-clicking on the star icon in the system tray and selecting the Options menu in the pop-up window that appears. When the Options window is open will be seen a series of menus on the left and the settings will be changed on the right. Menus Options include:Integration to set the browser option. Folders to organize the storage of files that are downloaded. Download List to set the display of Star Downloader main window that displays a list of files that are, will and already downloaded. Connection to adjust the settings of your Internet connection. Dialogs to set the appearance of the dialog window when we give instructions to download. Scheduler to arrange scheduling files to be downloaded at any given time. Anti-Virus to automatically regulate the activation of the virus scan on the files finished downloaded. Proxy / Firewall to manage Internet settings using proxy and firewall. Performance to regulate how the downloading process (to be discussed further). General Language to select the language you prefer if any.- Setting Performance Options to Boost Speed ​​DownloadMaximum number of simultaneous downloads: maximum number of downloaded files simultaneously (concurrently). Number of parts to split the file into EACH: how many pieces for each file. Choose a number between 4 to 6. For large files, cutting this file to help speed up the download process. Because the file is cut into sections and then each part downloaded simultaneously. But the number of pieces of files that are too large can lead to error (error) when combined again by the program. Do not split files Smaller Than this size (kilobytes): do not cut the file size is less than .... kilobytes. Leave the default number (100). Timeout (seconds): time limit (in seconds) given to start the download process (contacting the files from the server). Retry delay (seconds): how the lapse of time (in seconds) given to repeat contact the file to be downloaded from the server. Retry times: how many times a downloaded file to start to be withdrawn (contacted). Search for local mirrors in local mirror list (recommended): donwloader star ordered to find the mirror site (site is a site that contains the image files are similar) the fastest. In general, choose (tag), this option can increase download speeds.

(3) Tips & Tricks Using Email

- Some menus and buttons contained in the email program:Compose New Mail or to write new messages to be sent to the e-mail to others. Reply to send a reply email to the email address entered. Forward to forward the email message we received (from the second party) to the email address of another person (third party). Send / Receive to check incoming email or send an email that has not been sent. Inbox is the folder that holds incoming e-mails. Outbox is the folder where you want to collect email sent (while in the process of delivery). Sent Items folder that holds all the emails that have been sent. Deleted Items folder that holds all the emails that we have to delete from the inbox.If we choose or Compose New Mail window will appear to write a new email in which there are a number of buttons and menus are: From the box in which we are writing an email account. To the box where we write an email address that we are headed. CC (Carbon Copy) is a box where we write another email address that we wish to send the same message as a "carbon copy". Here we can write more than one email address with mediated signs; (semicolon) between each email address. Subject of the box where we write the title of the message that we wish to send. Send the button to start sending a new email that has been written. Attach the button to attach a file that we wish to send along the message.- Some Definitions Regarding E-MailAttachment file that is included in or attached files when sending an email. Spam is unsolicited email by the recipient who sent by people we do not know (usually smell commercial, sometimes also political). Bounce (bounce, mentally), ie messages that are returned to the sender, either because the recipient's email address is incorrect or because there was a configuration problem on the receiving end. Bot is a particular software acting on behalf of people (from the word Robot). Mailbot is certain software that automatically reply to emails. Listbot is certain software that controls the distribution list or mailing list. Listserver same listbot. Subscribe to our e-mail that is registered as a participant mailing lists or newsgroups. Unsubscribe the break with a mailing list or newsgroup. Post is sending email to mailing lists or newsgroups. Flame is a message rude or impolite. Bomb-mail address that is sending e-mails in an extremely large amount / a lot at once (usually using a special program). In the Internet world, this act is a crime.

(4) Tips & Tricks Using Search Engines

The only equipment or facilities that are used to explore various data, information and knowledge available on the internet is a search engine or search engines. Search engine is a program that can be accessed via the internet that serves to assist computer users in finding what he wanted. One of the most popular search engine is Google which can be accessed at the address The main elements of a Search Engine is a long box where you enter keywords into stock early in the search for what we are looking for. After that press the Enter key or click the Google Search button. Google will search the entire computer connected to the internet various types of data in the form of documents, images, audio and video which contains a word that we enter earlier. Google will display a link (address) to all sites associated with these search results. We just click on one of the links that are relevant to be able to access the document in question. Write the keyword is correct because Google will search for the exact same words that we write. Writing the word Amen, and Amien would give different results. On the other hand, Google does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters. Writing keyword or even a Celebes or Sulawesi Sulawesi, will give the same results. Every word is entered into the search box, will be searched separately. When we enter the keyword as follows: [Prince Diponegoro] then Google will find Web pages that contain the word prince and web pages that contain the word Diponegoro. That is, words and word prince Diponegoro in the documents found by Google was not necessarily in tandem, could be mediated by other words. Even including the web pages that contain the word but does not contain the word prince Diponegoro. Use quotation marks (") that flank the phrase (plural) or a specific wording to force Google to find web pages that contain the same wording without interspersed by other words. For example: [" Prince Diponegoro "]. The technique is very effective way to get search results that are truly relevant and focused on the purpose for which we are looking for. Use the plus sign (+) to require Google search only web pages that contain all keywords you enter. For example: [+ scholarship + master + "outside country "]. As a result, Google only returns web pages that contain all these words. With this technique, a search Google will increasingly sharp and focused. Conversely, if we wish for a keyword is not included in the site found in Google, we use the minus sign (-). For example: if we want to look for scholarships as above but do not want to school in America or Australia, then we can write: [+ scholarship + master + "abroad"-America-Australia]. This technique can used to narrow the search results. In general, large sites that already provide local search facilities to their web sites each. Search engines, these local functions to search for key words found on their web pages themselves, not looking at other sites. But if one day you find a site that does not yet provide local search engine, you can use Google to search for key words on the site by using the word site followed by a colon and name of the site (its quasi-no spaces). For example: we want to find articles and news related to the problem of corruption in the Republika newspaper website, then we write: [corruption site:] or [site: corruption]. The technique can also be used for direct searches on sites with certain characteristics. For example, if you want to find information about corruption from the sites of education (education), you can write: [corruption site: edu] in the search box. If you want to look for the site government-official site (government), write: [corruption site: gov]. To know the meaning of the domain, please read the article about the meaning of the Domain. For those of you who are looking for files with certain formats to be used as a reference, to use the word filetype: in a search. For example: [filetype: ppt + tutorial + coreldraw]. In this way, Google's search focused only on those files PPT (Microsoft PowerPoint) that contain these words throughout the website. The same way you can use to look for DOC files (MS Word), XLS (MS excels), PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader), and others. Once Google displays its search results, check where roughly consistent with the purpose of your search. The you need to consider is the context around the keyword phrase you are (bold) and name / website address listed below. If you want to open a link provided by Google, right-click on the link and select open in new window to window Google itself still exists and is not replaced. So you still can see and open other links displayed by Google. If you still want to check Google search results contained on other pages, click on the link or the page numbers listed next word at the bottom of your results page pencarian.Bila still not satisfied with Google's search results, you can take advantage of Google's Advanced Search facility which will make it easy for you to manage what should be searched by Google, for example in terms of language, filtering, file format, The new information is updated and others.

(5) Tips & Tricks to Avoid Password Theft

One form of Internet crime is dangerous is password theft. If your email password is known by others, then he will be free to peep the content of your email. Maybe there is a saying, please read the contents of my email, nothing needs to be kept secret in it koq. Though the problem is not that simple. If your password falls into the hands of others, he was free to change the password. As a result you can not open (log-in) email. Not only that, he could also send an email to someone else using your email to incite or other malicious intent. Again, you are responsible. For that we must know how to keep our passwords. We must first know how someone can know the password to others. In outline, there are four ways people steal passwords to others.(I). Utilizing the negligence of the owner password. For example, there are others who see the movement of his hands when typing passwords. Or there are others who find notes containing passwords. So, be careful when typing in passwords and wherever possible you should never store or write your passwords. Use your brain memory for storing passwords. Or if you have to write it, save it in a place that is hidden and not obvious as a password.(Ii). Guessing. It is very difficult and very rare. Is only possible if your password is too easy to guess (example: 111111 or asdfgh). Including when you use the name or specific number of known and easily exercised by your friends. Therefore, as far as possible do not use the password is your phone number or date of birth or the name of your wife, and semisalnya.(Iii). Utilizing a secret question. When registering on the site free email providers on the internet, in addition to passwords, usually we are given the opportunity to choose a question and enter the answer. This serves as a backup in case one day we forget our passwords. Many people often include a question and answer potluck. And people can use this facility to steal your passwords. When will sign up with your email, he chose the lost password (forgot password) so that the email program will issue the first question you submit. Therefore do not use questions that are too easy to answer.(Iv). Using a keylogger software. Keylogger program is a program that works behind the scenes, meaning he works unconsciously by the user computer (unless the installer program of course). This software can record every key pressed and store it in a particular file. If you already use a computer, the installer keylogger program, will take over the computer, open the file and look for traces of earlier recording your passwords in it. Although very, very many letters that are listed in it, he could find it in some way. Usually we write the password after you enter the name of the email. Letter or number after that is a password. This case usually occurs on computers that are used by many people (for example in the cafe or offices). To avoid this kind of password theft is a bit difficult. But still there is just way out. Before using a computer, first press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. Close Program window will appear that displays all programs currently running on that computer. Find the program that you expect is the name of the keylogger program. If you do not know his name, choose the program you do not know and then click End Task button to close the program. Other applications can you let it, like the Explorer, dorm, Mdm, antivirus programs, internet cafe billing programs, and other programs that you know. In this way, can we assume that there is no keylogger program that was working.But maybe we can not find it and close the keylogger program. Moreover, many keylogger software that can hide themselves in such a way. But do not worry because there is only solution. The fix, do not type directly in full all our passwords in the password text box. For example, our password: "parasites". Type the first letter "be" and then move to another program window and then type any letter a lot there. Then moved back into the password field and then proceed to type "na". And then moved again to another window and type in many letters any more, then back again into the password field to refine them with the letter "lu". Thus the program recording keystrokes (keylogger) will record a lot of letters that may be irregular sure the thief is unable to separate the letters of the password which we are stuck in it. This is due, keylogger programs generally do not differentiate in the window where you type a letter. He only serves to record the keyboard keys are pressed.(V). Using the remote program. This program is related to the networking problem (network computer). There are a number of software that can control a computer remotely. This software is installed on their computer as a server and installed in someone else's computer as a client. As long as we are computers connected to the network or the Internet, he can read what we type in, even knowing the contents of our hard disk and see the look on our screen! To deal with these cases is the most difficult and it took its own tricks. When he uses way to record keystrokes (keylogger), we can still overcome by way of writing to move the window as above. Adapaun when he used a remote program that is able to see the look on our screen, is the most difficult to overcome.