50 Excellent Graphic Design Blogs
Because of its undisputed, logically intimate connection with web design, it comes as no surprise that graphic design is one of the most prominent and thriving methods of artistic expression on the internet. However, the graphic arts encompass far more than just the slick digital designs familiar to mainstream audiences. With a history stretching as far back as the art itself, graphic design involves not only the familiar fonts, clip art, and advertising, but illustration, character designs, layouts, packaging, and numerous other elements as well. The most visible, intelligent, and creative graphic design blogs available represent a small survey of what this versatile visual art has to offer.
- 1. Toxel : For a glimpse into the far-reaching influence of design as a whole, Toxel offers an eclectic selection of articles and styles pertaining not only to digital art, but fashion, landscaping, cosmetology, sculpture, and a myriad of other functional, creative, and aesthetic works. In spite of this colorful and inspirational mix, the focus lay more on design as it interacts with technology than anything else. 2. Just Creative Design : Run by Australian wunderkind Jacob Cass, this blog serves as more than just an impressive personal portfolio featuring extremely clean designs. His passion for the medium shines through in his articles and observations on the industry, proffering expert advice on everything from fonts to finding inspiration.
3. Logo Designer Blog : Another Cass venture, this time focusing exclusively on logotypes and their designs. With an eye for branding, articles dissect what sorts of motivations and attitudes go behind creating a logo and how it relates to advertising and marketing.
4. Veerle’s blog :This blog is a little light on the portfolio, but heavy on Photoshop, Illustrator, and XHTML/CSS articles and tutorials. What art the author does post, however, provides an interesting peek into the creative process. One of the more interesting features is a widget updated with available graphic and web design jobs from around the world.
5. Bittbox:For professionals and amateurs alike, Bittbox generously provides invaluable freebies and tutorials. Free brushes, free textures, free icons, free vectors, free fonts – anything a graphic designer may need to give his or her projects a boost can be found here.
6. You The Designer:More tutorials and freebies – including some indispensable Photoshop brushes – are available here. One of the more attractive elements of this site, however, involves its networking opportunities. You the Designer hosts a forum and a search engine filled to bursting with graphic design and related jobs.
7. Design You Trust:Updated daily, this online magazine discusses design in all its forms, from the digital to the traditional and everywhere in between. Blog entries focus mainly on trends and issues in the graphic design and artistic communities.
8. Psdtuts+:Excellent tutorials and a wiki on how to get the most out of Photoshop stand as this blog’s main draw, but the free textures and icons also offer a valuable service for graphic designers as well.
9. Swiss Legacy:Typography, web design, and trends collide in one clean, cutting-edge package. Shows and studios from around the world also receive frequent mentions, tracing trends and innovations right as they unfold.
10. Ads of the World:One of the most intriguing aspects of art involves how it both shapes and reflects the society that spawned it. This blog, showcasing advertisements from every nation the contributors can find, acts as both a study in art history and a sociological treatise on what different societies deem appropriate, aesthetic, and effective.
Early graphic design at the Caves of Lascaux
Source: Wikipedia
11. Logo Design Love:Anything any graphic designer ever needed or wanted to know about logotypes can be found right here. Featuring tutorials as well as analysis of iconic logos and a smattering of news, this blog stands as one of the quintessential resources on a very common graphic design element.
12. Logo of the Day:A new logo gets posted each day for other professionals to rate and offer insight and critique. Though the majority of content stems from the level of activity on each logo, this blog provides a great insight into how graphic designers interact with and advise one another.
13. Designers Who Blog:Marketers, graphic designers, writers, and photographers converge to discuss how their respective careers overlap and intersect with one another. The focus here is on communication and the exchange of ideas and opinions regarding how to further the industry.
14. Stuff and Nonsense:Andy Clarke, who runs a graphic design firm in North Wales, traces the progress of current graphic and web design projects. In the past, this studio has worked with such prominent clients as Disney Store UK, Liverpool University, Save the Children UK, and WWF UK.
15. Creativebits :The blog may focus on interviews, news, and ruminations on graphic design and its rich history, but the critique portion of the site offers some of the most provocative and informative perspectives on the creative process.
16. design muse:An excellent site commenting on recent design and packaging trends as well as news and events on related events both virtual and physical. Everything is relayed in clear, precise language that even those outside the industry can fully grasp.
17. Lunch Bag Art:Every day, an artist father draws figures from pop culture and literature on lunch bags for his children. It is a simple, sweet idea that also underscores how graphic design and illustration exists beyond the boundaries of a hard drive.
18. David Airey:More than just a blog, Airey also showcases his portfolio, crammed with gorgeous ads and branding for clients around the globe. He highlights his creative process through photos and sketches of project progress and also offers advice on books and other resources for contemporary and aspiring professionals.
19. Evolution of Intelligent Design : This well-written, intelligent, and informed blog that ruminates on graphic design’s role in shaping and influencing society and business, offering yet another intriguing perspective on how art never blossoms in a vacuum.
20. Graphic Design Blog & Web Design Blog :Beginning as a collaborative project between participants in a graphic design forum, this blog has expanded into a broad but highly informative resource on Flash, photography, typography, illustration, CSS, HTML, and the visual arts and how they all tie into design as a whole.
Folio 27v from the Book of Kells. Medieval graphic design
Source: Wikipedia
21. Noisy Decent Graphics :Simple and unpretentious, this blog delivers both a peek into one designer’s creative trains of thought as well as his observations on the industry.
22. RightBrainTerrain.com:Updated daily, RightBrainTerrain.com offers highly refreshing and inspiring motivation for graphic designers and other artists to nurture creativity in any and every possible capacity.
23. Posterwire.com: Posters have remained one of the most visible and obvious applications of graphic design, and this blog looks at those featuring movies past and present, foreign and domestic, and how they come together to tell and sell a story.
24. graphito:The art and thoughts of graphic designer and art director Daniel Bretzmann flow together on this blog, which blends his portfolio with useful and interesting blips on relevant articles across the internet.
25. Elliott Jay Stocks:Creative Renaissance man Stocks has provided graphic design work for numerous bands – including The Beatles, Pet Shop Boys, Sigur Rós, The Chemical Brothers, and Massive Attacks – and publications throughout his enviable career. He chats excitedly in his blog about art, technology, and writing, drawing from his extensive professional experience to offer valuable insight.
26. Jason Santa Maria:Both blog and portfolio, this site discusses many of Santa Maria’s redesign and identity projects as well as his thoughts on the graphic design industry. The “Oddities” and “Daily Photo” sections comprise the most interesting content.
27. live from bklyn: Packaging and graphic design events characterize this blog by Brooklyn-based designer Dailey Crafton. The design shop especially features some visually striking pieces.
28. Graphicology: Two graphic design teachers generate the content for Graphicology, which delves deeply into stories, issues, and trends pertaining to the industry. Typography, logos, illustration, and other projects all receive highly in-depth and informative analysis.
29. We Made This:An award-winning graphic design and photography studio in London offers up its portfolio with a side helping of insightful, intelligent commentary on projects by other artists and firms.
30. Ecolet:A variety of papers and other specific supplies are all necessary for a successful graphic design career, and Ecolet features products and artists all striving towards environmental sustainability. It looks into how design and advertising work can be applied to work towards promoting a healthier planet.
Art nouveau poster from 1890
Source: Wikipedia
31. Design Inspiration:Illustrator and designer Jeff Andrews has dedicated the past four years of Design Inspiration to interviewing and featuring the art of his contemporaries. It grants some well-earned exposure to many hard-working and exceptionally talented individuals.
32. Gallery of the Absurd: This deservedly popular blog does such an excellent and provocative job skewering the inexplicable celebrity worship aspect of society and roasting it over ragingly hot coals that many forget the extremely masterful artwork that goes along with it.
33. Green Printer Blog: Due to their association with printing, many graphic designers are concerned with ways their profession can adhere more to green principles. This blog promotes environmental sustainability by focusing on economical and effortless ways to consider the planet without compromising professional needs.
34. ISO50:With an emphasis on music and fashion as much as design, this collaborative effort brings trendy art, clothing, and sound to the forefront of readers’ awareness.
35. CRIT:Graduate students at the School of Visual Arts in New York discuss their projects as well as offering critique of other artists as a means of applying lessons to real-life situations. Their ultimate goal involves engaging other professionals and students worldwide in intelligent discussions of graphic design.
36. Graphic Design Bar:This blog’s aim is admirable in its simplicity – all it hopes to accomplish is to offer news and articles it finds around the web and share it with fellow graphic designers. And it does a fine job providing exposure to interesting and visually striking pieces.
37. Exhibit Files:For those working in the museum and gallery industry, this blog compiles information and discussions of personal experiences on hundreds of exhibits on hundreds of topics. Though run by the Association of Science-Technology Centers, many of the shows involve the application of art and design for the advancement of science. It is an oft-overlooked aspect of design work that deserves far more attention than it generally receives.
38. John Nack on Adobe:A graphic artist without Photoshop and Illustrator is rarer than a Tasmanian tiger sighting. Principal Product Manager for Adobe John Nack digs deeply into his product and offers tips and tricks on its nuances and applications.
39. The Story of Stuff :Another environmentalism blog offering discussions on how graphic designers can alter their businesses practices in easy, safe, and affordable ways that help keep the planet just a little bit healthier.
40. Outlaw Design Blog: Podcasts, freebies, and videos accompany this blog run by freelance creative consultant Danny Outlaw. Tutorials, product reviews, industry advice, and tips on how to market artistic talent for extra money comprise the majority of the content.
American WWII propaganda
Source: Wikipedia
41. The Nonist:Though the author has since moved on to other projects, the articles remain some of the most intelligent and interesting reflections on art available. Writings delve into very obscure artistic places, shining a light on beauty that may otherwise go entirely overlooked or – at worst – unseen.
42. Logolog:A simple premise with a simple execution and loads of payoff, the Logolog shows off logos of interest along with a small explanation of why they work.
43. A Collage a Day:Another blog with daily updates on the artist’s output, this one features a new collage for sale every day. Colorful, gorgeous, and featuring intriguing juxtapositions of elements, these collages serve as yet another reminder that not all graphic design is created with a computer.
44. Sushi & Robots:The reflective art and design of Jina Bolton sits next to her highly accessible and thoroughly entertaining interviews, thoughts, inspirations, and favorite creative finds.
45. Art+Story:Chock full of character designs and other illustrations, this blog by a Los Angeles author and artist reflects on technology, the creative process, and how a project comes together over time.
46. Sugar Frosted Goodness!:A collective brimming with creativity and talent, the artists share their eclectic illustrations for both critique as well as sharing their passion for various media. It makes for a wonderful celebration of the myriad limitless forms that design can take.
47. The Logo Factory:The Logo Factory churns out branding and identity for a very wide client base, and their blog offers news from the industry and the occasional bit of advice for those seeking a career in graphic design or illustration.
48. Character Design :Character designers from the animation, comic, movie, and illustration industries weigh in on the similarities and differences of their careers with galleries, interviews, and commentary on practices, shifts, and trends. It is an amazing resource not only for other professionals, but students considering entrance into one of the aforementioned industries as well.
49. Snook:Web development and design is the main focus here, with everything from fonts, coding, and licensing issues to relevant book and product reviews available. Webmaster Jonathan Snook pokes, prods, and explores the technical and creative aspects of website design with readers along for the ride.
50. SeptemberIndustry:An intelligent online journal on all aspects of design – including architecture – tracking the projects and ideas of the best artists working in related industries today.
Unicef ad on the side of a train
Source: Wikipedia
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